Form I-134A: Financial Sponsorship Guide

Form I-134A: Financial Sponsorship Guide

If you’re looking to sponsor someone for entry into the United States, Form I-134A, also known as the “Online Request to be a Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support,” is a key document you’ll need to submit. It’s used when a U.S.-based sponsor wants to provide financial support for someone applying for admission under certain parole programs. This form is currently part of two important immigration programs: the Uniting for Ukraine program and the humanitarian parole program for nationals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

What Is Form I-134A?

Form I-134A is an online form that individuals in the U.S. fill out to sponsor a foreign national applying for a temporary stay. The purpose of this form is to confirm that the sponsor has the financial means to support the individual (the “beneficiary”) while they are in the United States. This sponsorship is vital because it shows that the sponsored individual will not become a financial burden to the U.S. government during their stay.

Currently, Form I-134A is used in two specific cases:

  1. Uniting for Ukraine Program – For Ukrainian nationals and their families.
  2. Humanitarian Parole Program – For people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

The form helps ensure that the sponsor can support the person’s living expenses, such as housing, food, healthcare, and other essential needs.

Who Can File Form I-134A?

To be eligible to file Form I-134A, the sponsor must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or have legal immigration status.
  • Be physically present in the U.S. when filing.
  • Pass a background check.
  • Personally sign and file Form I-134A (the beneficiary cannot file it on their own behalf).
  • Include the beneficiary’s name on the form.
  • Be willing to file a separate form for each beneficiary, including children under 18.

The Process of Filing Form I-134A

Filing Form I-134A starts by completing the form on the USCIS myUSCIS portal. The sponsor must provide personal information and details about their financial situation, including:

  • Assets
  • Income
  • Expenses
  • Liabilities (debts)

The USCIS will review the submitted form and all supporting documents. This includes verifying that the sponsor has enough financial resources to support the beneficiary. They will also run a background check to ensure that there are no issues such as fraud or legal violations.

If everything is in order, the USCIS will approve the form. Once approved, the beneficiary will receive instructions on the next steps, including how to apply for parole and enter the U.S.

Key Points to Remember About Form I-134A

  • Separate Forms for Each Beneficiary: If you are sponsoring multiple family members, you need to file a separate Form I-134A for each person, including children.
  • No Fees: There is no cost to file Form I-134A.
  • Submit the Correct Form: Ensure you are using Form I-134A, not the older Form I-134, which is used for other types of financial sponsorship.

Steps to Avoid Processing Delays

Filing Form I-134A correctly is essential to avoid delays. Here are some helpful tips to ensure your form is processed smoothly:

  1. File the Correct Form: USCIS will only accept Form I-134A for this specific type of sponsorship.
  2. One Form Per Beneficiary: Do not file multiple forms for the same person.
  3. Double-Check Your Form: Ensure the form is filled out accurately, with correct details and no errors.
  4. Use Your USCIS Online Account: After submitting the form, check your case status and make any necessary changes via your online account.

Sponsoring Refugees: Special Programs for Ukrainian and Latin American Nationals

1. Uniting for Ukraine Program

This program offers a pathway for Ukrainian nationals to temporarily enter the U.S. and stay for up to two years. Ukrainian nationals must have a sponsor in the U.S. who agrees to support them financially during their stay. The sponsor must fill out Form I-134A, and once approved, the beneficiary will be given instructions on how to proceed with their parole application.

2. Humanitarian Parole Program

The Humanitarian Parole Program applies to individuals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, offering them a chance to seek refuge in the U.S. due to dangerous conditions in their home countries. This program allows eligible individuals to stay in the U.S. for up to two years under special circumstances.

Important Update (October 2024): The Biden administration will no longer extend the parole status for beneficiaries of this program after two years. However, new applications are still being accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions About Form I-134A

  • What supporting documents do I need? Along with Form I-134A, you’ll need to provide documents that verify your identity, financial status, and proof of income or assets. This could include tax returns, bank statements, employment records, and more.
  • When should I submit Form I-134A? The sponsor must file the form before the beneficiary can apply for parole. Once submitted and reviewed by USCIS, the beneficiary will receive further instructions on how to proceed.
  • How much does it cost to file Form I-134A? Filing it is free. There is no application fee associated with the form.
  • What’s the difference between Form I-134A and Form I-134? Form I-134A is used specifically for the Uniting for Ukraine and humanitarian parole programs, while Form I-134 is used for other types of financial sponsorship for visa applicants.
  • Can a business or organization file Form I-134A? While Form I-134A must be filed by an individual, organizations can assist with the sponsorship by providing evidence of financial support. An individual can submit the form on behalf of the organization or business.

Need Help with the Immigration Process?

If you’re unsure about which immigration path is right for you or need help with your Form I-134A application, Law and Visas can assist. With expert guidance, you’ll be able to understand your options and take the right steps toward sponsoring someone for U.S. entry.

Form I-134A is a crucial part of the immigration process for sponsoring refugees or migrants through the Uniting for Ukraine and humanitarian parole programs. By completing this form accurately and following the guidelines, you can help support someone in need of temporary refuge in the United States. If you’re unsure about the next steps or need assistance with your form, don’t hesitate to seek expert help from Law and Visas to guide you through the process.

How Law and Visas Can Help?

At Law and Visas, our team of expert immigration consultants is here to make your travel to the US straightforward and successful. Whether you’re applying for a Green Card, Visitor Visa, or Study Visa, we handle every step from preparing your application to gathering the required documents.

Our immigration Consultants and Lawyers ensure that your application meets the highest standards, with no details missed. We’ll also keep you informed throughout the process and coordinate with the immigration office or embassy on your behalf.

Law and Visas has a strong record of helping clients secure the visas/permits they need in the US. Call us today at +234 812 5505 986 to learn how we can assist you.

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