Discover the duration of a French spouse visa, application insights, FAQs, and essential details for a smooth visa experience.

How long does a French spouse visa last?

Discover the duration of a French spouse visa and gain valuable insights about the application process, renewal, and requirements. Find all the essential information to ensure a smooth visa experience.

If you are planning to join your spouse in France or bring your foreign spouse to the country, understanding the validity and duration of a French spouse visa is crucial. A French spouse visa allows you to reside in France with your spouse legally. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the ins and outs of the French spouse visa, providing you with essential information and frequently asked questions to help you navigate the visa application process successfully.

How long does a French spouse visa last?

A French spouse visa typically lasts for 90 days. This duration allows you to enter and stay in France temporarily to reunite with your spouse. During this period, you can apply for a long-stay visa that is renewable. The long-stay visa for spouses is usually granted for one year, but it can be extended based on certain conditions.

The Application Process

Applying for a French spouse visa requires careful preparation and adherence to the necessary procedures. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a French spouse visa:

Gathering Required Documents

The first step is to gather all the necessary documents for the visa application. These documents often include:

  • A completed visa application form.
  • Valid passport.
  • Marriage certificate or proof of civil partnership.
  • Proof of accommodation in France.
  • Evidence of financial means to support yourself during the stay.

Submission of Application

Submit your visa application along with the required documents to the French consulate or embassy in your home country. Ensure that all documents are in the required format and that you have provided accurate information.

Attend an Interview (if required)

Depending on your country of origin, you may be required to attend an interview at the French consulate or embassy. This interview is conducted to verify the authenticity of your relationship and the purpose of your stay in France.

Visa Processing Time

The processing time for a French spouse visa can vary depending on the consulate or embassy and your country of residence. It is advisable to apply well in advance to allow sufficient processing time.


Can I work in France with a spouse visa? 

Yes, with a valid spouse visa, you are allowed to work in France without the need for an additional work permit.

Is the French spouse visa renewable? 

Yes, the spouse visa is renewable, and you can apply for an extension before the initial visa expires.

Can I bring my children with me on a French spouse visa? 

Yes, you can bring your children under the age of 18 with you on a spouse visa, provided you can demonstrate that you have legal custody or permission from the other parent

Can I apply for French citizenship after being on a spouse visa? 

Yes, after living in France on a spouse visa for a certain period, you may be eligible to apply for French citizenship. The exact requirements may vary, so it’s essential to consult with relevant authorities.

Is there a language requirement for the spouse visa? 

While there is no specific language requirement for the spouse visa, knowledge of the French language can be beneficial during your stay in France.

Can I travel within the Schengen Area with a French spouse visa? 

Yes, a French spouse visa allows you to travel freely within the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

Obtaining a French spouse visa is a significant step in reuniting with your loved one in France. Understanding the duration of the visa, the application process, and other essential details will ensure a smooth and successful visa experience. Remember to gather all the required documents and follow the application process diligently. With the information provided in this article, you are now equipped with the knowledge to embark on this exciting journey.

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