Student visa fee in Nigeria: Detailed fee structure, payment methods, and essential application process explained.

How Much Bank Balance is Required for Germany Student Visa

Germany has gained immense popularity among international students due to its high-quality education system, vibrant culture, and excellent career prospects. However, before you can embark on your educational journey in Germany, you must secure a student visa. One of the critical aspects of obtaining a Germany student visa is demonstrating that you possess sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in the country.

Understanding the Germany Student Visa

The Germany student visa allows non-EU/EEA students to pursue their academic aspirations in Germany. Whether you plan to pursue a bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D. degree, you will need to apply for the appropriate student visa based on your chosen program. Apart from meeting academic requirements, the German authorities also require proof of financial resources.

Financial Requirements for the Germany Student Visa

To ensure that international students can comfortably support themselves throughout their studies, the German government mandates financial requirements that applicants must fulfill. These financial requirements primarily encompass tuition fees, living expenses, and a blocked account.

Tuition Fees

Germany is known for its tuition-free or low-tuition higher education system. Many public universities offer tuition-free education to international students, but private institutions may charge tuition fees. It is essential to research your chosen university’s tuition fees and include the amount in your financial planning.

Living Expenses

When applying for a student visa, you must demonstrate that you can cover your living expenses while studying in Germany. The living expenses will vary depending on the city you choose to reside in, but the authorities usually consider around €10,236 per year as sufficient.

Blocked Account

The most common way to prove your financial capacity is by opening a “blocked account” or “Sperrkonto.” This account is a special type of bank account where you deposit a specific amount of money that you cannot access entirely until you arrive in Germany. The blocked account requirement ensures that you have enough funds to support yourself during your stay.

Minimum Bank Balance for Germany Student Visa

The minimum bank balance you need to show in your blocked account will depend on the duration of your study program and whether you have already paid for your first year’s living expenses.

Bachelor’s Degree Students

If you’re pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Germany, you will need to show proof of having at least €8,640 in your blocked account. This amount covers your living expenses for one year.

Master’s Degree Students

Master’s degree students will need to demonstrate financial capacity for two years. Therefore, you should have at least €17,280 in your blocked account.

PhD Students

For Ph.D. students, the financial requirement is the same as for master’s degree students. You will need €17,280 in your blocked account to cover your expenses for two years.

How to Open a Blocked Account in Germany?

Opening a blocked account is a crucial step in the visa application process. You can do this from your home country through a German embassy or consulate or after arriving in Germany at a local bank. The process typically involves completing an application, providing the necessary documents, and depositing the required funds.

Alternative Financial Proofs

If you don’t want to use a blocked account, there are alternative financial proofs accepted by the German authorities:


If you have been awarded a scholarship, you can submit the scholarship award letter as proof of financial resources.

Declaration of Financial Support

If you have a sponsor, such as a parent or relative, willing to financially support you during your studies, they can submit a “Declaration of Financial Support” along with their bank statements.

Fixed Deposit Certificates

If you have fixed deposit certificates or similar financial assets, they may be considered as an alternative to a blocked account.

Tips for Financial Planning

When planning your finances for studying in Germany, consider the following tips:

  • Research tuition fees and living expenses beforehand to budget accurately.
  • Start saving early to ensure you meet the financial requirements.
  • Consider additional expenses like health insurance and transportation.

How to Maintain Sufficient Funds?

Once you have obtained your student visa, it is essential to maintain sufficient funds in your blocked account throughout your studies. Falling below the required balance might lead to visa complications.

Visa Application Process

To apply for a Germany student visa, follow these general steps:

  • Check the specific visa requirements and financial documentation needed.
  • Gather all necessary documents, including proof of financial resources.
  • Complete the visa application form accurately.
  • Schedule and attend an interview at the German embassy or consulate in your home country.
  • Pay the visa application fee and submit your application.

Common Reasons for Visa Rejection

Visa rejections can be disheartening, but some common reasons include:

  • Insufficient funds for living expenses.
  • Lack of proper documentation.
  • Incomplete visa application.
  • Failure to demonstrate genuine academic intentions.

Studying in Germany offers an enriching experience, but securing a student visa requires careful financial planning. Ensure you have the necessary funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses. Opening a blocked account or presenting alternative financial proofs can significantly contribute to a successful visa application.


What is a blocked account?

A blocked account is a special type of bank account where students deposit a specific amount of money that they cannot access entirely until they arrive in Germany.

Can I use my parents’ bank account for the visa application?

Yes, you can use your parents’ bank account along with a “Declaration of Financial Support” from them.

Is a scholarship enough to cover the financial requirement?

Yes, a scholarship award letter can serve as proof of financial resources.

Can I work while studying in Germany?

Yes, as an international student, you are allowed to work part-time during your studies.

Can I extend my student visa if I face financial difficulties?

In certain situations, you may be allowed to extend your student visa if you face genuine financial difficulties.

Do you need a Student Visa for Germany?

Contact our team of skilled immigration lawyers to discuss your visa and immigration needs.

Call us on +234 812 5505 986 or WhatsApp us at +234 818 1547 085 for immediate assistance with your situation.

We are available to assist you in person, over the phone, or online.

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