How Much Does UK Citizenship Cost in 2024?

As a British citizen, you have plenty of advantages, like visa-free entry to 152 nations, and a membership of the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). But don’t be fooled: there are some application fees.

And don’t forget to know how much it will cost before you apply for British citizenship and plan accordingly. Here’s a quick list of some of the main charges and extras you could incur during your British citizenship.

Key Costs for British Citizenship Applications

There are several pathways to British citizenship and you pay different prices for them. The most popular is by naturalization – for those who have been living in the UK for some time. Here are the main costs:

Application TypeOld FeeFee from 4th October 2023
Naturalisation (Standard)£1,250£1,580
Naturalization for British Overseas Territories citizens£1,000£1,000
Registration – Adult£1,126£1,351
Registration – Child£1,012£1,214
Citizenship Ceremony Fee£80£80
Citizenship Oath Administration Fee£5£5

In addition to the application fee, applicants must pay a biometric information fee. If your biometric information isn’t collected, your application will be rejected, and you’ll receive a refund (minus a £25 administration fee).

Extra Costs to Keep in Mind

  1. English Language Test: If you need to prove your English skills, you’ll have to take an approved English language test, which typically costs around £150. If you don’t pass, you’ll need to pay to take it again.
  2. Life in the UK Test: This test checks your knowledge of British history, culture, and society. It costs £50. If you fail, you’ll need to pay again to retake it.
  3. Biometric Appointment: Some applicants must book an appointment to provide biometric data (fingerprints and photos). The cost of this appointment can range from £0 to £300, depending on where and when you book it.

If you’re applying for naturalization for a child who turns 18 before the decision is made, you’ll need to pay for their citizenship ceremony once they turn 18.

Legal Advice for British Citizenship

The UK doesn’t allow appeals for British citizenship applications, so it’s important to get everything right the first time. Many people choose to seek legal advice to ensure their application is complete and correct, which can help speed up the process and avoid rejections. Law and Visas can assist you with your application to reduce the chances of mistakes and delays.

Translation Costs

If any of your documents aren’t in English or Welsh, you’ll need to get them translated by a certified translator. Translation fees can add up quickly if you have a lot of documents.

Fee Waivers for British Citizenship

In some cases, you might be eligible for a fee waiver, meaning you don’t have to pay the application fee. This usually applies to:

  • Children under 18
  • Stateless individuals
  • People born in the UK after 1983 and lived there until age 10
  • Certain British Overseas Territories citizens or British-protected persons

You’ll need to apply for the fee waiver before you submit your application, and you must provide proof that you can’t afford the fees.

Total Cost of British Citizenship in 2024

The total cost to apply for British citizenship in 2024 includes:

  • Application Fee: The main fee, which varies depending on your route.
  • Biometric Enrollment Fee: For biometric data collection.
  • English Language Test: If required.
  • Life in the UK Test: If required.
  • Translation Fees: If applicable.

You should also consider legal fees if you hire a professional to help with your application.

Can I Pay in Installments?

Unfortunately, you cannot pay the British citizenship application fee in installments. The full fee must be paid at the time of submitting your application.

What Happens If My Application Is Refused?

If your application is refused, you will not get a refund of the application fee. However, the citizenship ceremony fee will be refunded if your application is rejected.

Preparing for Unexpected Costs

To avoid delays, it’s important to plan for any unexpected costs. For example, if you’re applying for a fee waiver or need to submit documents for translation, these can add up quickly. Law and Visas can guide you through the process, ensuring you’re fully prepared.

To avoid issues with your payment, let your bank know if you’re making a large transaction. If the payment triggers a fraud alert, it could delay your application.

Becoming a British citizen can be an expensive process, but it offers many long-term benefits. Understanding the costs involved—such as the application fee, biometric enrollment fee, and additional tests—will help you budget for the application.

If you need assistance with your application or have questions about the process, contact Law and Visas for expert guidance. We can help you navigate the application steps and ensure your application is as smooth as possible.

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