How to apply for a De Facto Partner Visa in Ireland with detailed steps and requirements

How to Apply for a De Facto Partner Visa in Ireland

Are you dreaming of joining your partner, who is an Irish citizen or permanent resident, to create a life together in the charming landscapes of Ireland? The De Facto Partner Visa is your gateway to this dream. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of the De Facto Partner Visa, its requirements, the application process, and essential information to make your journey smoother. So, let’s begin with understanding the fundamentals.

How to Apply For a De Facto Visa For a Partner in Ireland

The process involves several steps

Irish Immigration Pre-clearance:

Before you can reunite with your partner you must go through clearance and this comes with a €100 fee that is to be paid by all applicants, irrespective of their nationality. If your application is accepted, you will get a letter that would be valid for six months, which you must present to an immigration officer when you get to Ireland but if you fail to go within that period you will need to do another one.

Online Visa Application:

 you can then submit your visa application online after getting the clearance and when you do this you will receive an application summary sheet containing details about the immigration service registration office where you should send your application.

Fee Payment:

Before going to the next step you must pay the visa application fee, which is €60 for single-entry or €100 for multi-entry, keep the payment receipt, as you will need to submit it along with other supporting documents.

Gathering your documents For a De Facto Visa For a Partner in Ireland

These documents usually include:

  • A valid passport.
  • Two passport-sized photographs.
  • A signed letter of application explaining the purpose of your journey to Ireland.
  • Evidence proving the genuineness of your relationship.
  • Proof of cohabitation for at least two years.
  • A comprehensive account of your relationship history, including details of how and when you met.

Depending on your unique circumstances, additional documents may be necessary. Consulting with immigration experts can help you assemble a complete portfolio of evidence.


You will have 30 days from completing the online application to submit the required documents to the specified office mentioned in your application summary sheet.

Permission to Remain:

Upon your arrival in Ireland, you will need to apply for permission to remain in the country.

Financial Information for the Visa like:

  • Bank statements for your account and your partner’s for the last six months.
  • Your partner’s P60s for the 3 years preceding the application if they stay in Ireland and three of their most recent consecutive payslips.
  • Make sure that all the documents you submit are originals because photocopies will not be accepted.

Processing Time De Facto Visa For a Partner in Ireland

While there is no specific time frame they are typically handled in chronological order. The duration of your wait depends on how many applicants applied around the same time as you. most times, Join Family Visas to Ireland are processed within six months from the date of submission to the visa office but during peak application periods or in cases with errors or omissions in the application, processing times can be longer.

In conclusion, the De Facto Partner Visa offers a way to reunite with your loved one in Ireland, and going through the application process requires attention to detail and providing strong evidence of your genuine relationship. While this guide provides valuable insights, consulting with immigration experts and following the specific requirements of your application is important.

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