Learn when and how to reapply after a UK visa refusal. Explore essential guidelines for a successful resubmission.

How to apply for a Global Business Mobility

The Global Business Mobility; Secondment Worker visa offers a way, for workers on assignments in the United Kingdom. Specifically tailored for individuals sent to the UK as part of contracts or investments by their employers this visa option serves a unique purpose. Understanding its requirements is vital if you or your team are thinking about applying for it. In this guide we will delve into the details of the Global Business Mobility; Secondment Worker visa covering its eligibility criteria, the application process, costs, and more.

Why Choose the Global Business Mobility Seconded Worker Visa?

Before delving into the specifics of requirements and application procedures it’s crucial to recognize the benefits of the Global Business Mobility Seconded Worker visa for both sponsors and applicants.

For Sponsors

One advantage in this visa category for sponsors is the exemption from the Immigration Skills Charge offering financial relief. Moreover, there are no salary requirements or specific pay rates; however, workers must be compensated in accordance, with UK National Minimum Wage laws.

For the Applicant

From the perspective of the applicant, there is no English language requirement, which can be quite advantageous. However to qualify for this visa certain other conditions need to be fulfilled, such as a period of employment, with an international company and meeting a certain skill level.

Requirements for a Global Business Mobility Seconded Worker Visa

To be eligible for the Global Business Mobility; Secondment Worker visa applicants need to score 40 points based on the breakdown;

Points Requirements

  • Relevant Criteria: Sponsorship
  • Points: 20
  • Relevant Criteria: Job Matching Required Skill Level
  • Points: 20

Criteria for the UK Sponsor

Possession of a License

The UK sponsor should possess an A-rated license as a sponsor for the Global Business Mobility; Secondment Worker visa. Obtaining this license involves a process not covered in this article; however comprehensive guidance is accessible on the Home Office website.

Having a Valid Link with an Overseas Business and an Approved Contract by the Home Office

The sponsor must have a contract with a business involving goods or investments valued at least £10 million annually (with a total worth not less, than £50 million). 

The details of this agreement are outlined in the sponsor’s guidelines. Specifically, if the contract lasts than five years it must be valued at a minimum of £50 million. For contracts extending over five years, it should be valued at £10 million annually. In cases where there is no end date, the contract must be valued at a minimum of £50 million within five years.

When seeking a sponsor license the sponsor must provide proof of the contract along with the license application. Once the license is granted only Certificates of Sponsorship (referred to as ‘CoS’) related to that contract can be issued to workers. This means that if the sponsor intends to assign CoS to employees from another company they need to submit a contract for approval by the Home Office. Each contract must receive approval before certificates of sponsorship can be assigned and compliance with this requirement is closely monitored by the Home Office.

Correctly assigning a Valid Certificate of Sponsorship is crucial to prevent rejections. There are distinctions compared to two types of certificates Skilled Worker and Senior or Specialist Worker certificates.

An explicit certificate of sponsorship is necessary, for entry clearance applications.

The job description should mention that the employee is being sponsored through the Secondment Worker pathway.

An appropriate SOC Code needs to be chosen.

If the UK sponsor is not providing a salary it should be indicated as £0.01 and details, about the payment arrangements should be included in the text box below the salary section.

Specific contract information, such as name and duration must be supplied.

Usually, maintenance is confirmed on the certificate of sponsorship.

These criteria ensure that the sponsorship process is carried out accurately and by Home Office regulations.

Requirements for Seconded Workers

Requirement of Validity

Similar to points-based immigration routes within the immigration system applicants must meet validity requirements. This includes submitting a visa application paying fees for Immigration Health Surcharge (if applicable) completing biometric enrollment submitting documents and having an assigned certificate of sponsorship issued no more than three months before applying. Eligible individuals can utilize the UK Immigration; ID check app for their application. Moreover switching to this pathway is feasible as long as the applicant was not last in the UK on a short-term visa.

Requirement of Suitability

Applicants must not fall into categories, for refusal outlined in Part 9 of Immigration Rules. 

When applying for permission to stay individuals must ensure they are not violating any immigration laws with exceptions, for overstayers. Additionally, immigration bail should not be a factor.

Requirement for Overseas Work Experience

For those seeking entry clearance, it is necessary to have worked for the company of the UK for a total of at least 12 months. However, this condition does not apply to individuals extending their visa while continuing to work for the sponsor as in their permission.

While applicants are not mandated to provide evidence with their application the Home Office reserves the right to request it at any time. To prevent delays in processing these applications due to time constraints submitting supporting documents like payslips is advisable.

Qualification Level Requirement

Candidates must be sponsored for a role at the graduate level (RQF Level 6) as outlined in Appendix Skilled Occupations and meet the criteria, for the Global Business Mobility routes. Adhering to this requirement is vital because selecting a code merely because it fits into the route could trigger scrutiny from decision-makers. Factors taken into account include the necessity of the role and the applicant’s skills, qualifications, and experience. The sponsor’s track record of compliance may also come under review.

To be eligible applicants must genuinely have the intention to fulfill the role they are sponsored for. It’s important to note that the Home Office can review the application subjectively ask for documents and raise queries that might cause delays. 

Preparing in advance and carefully gathering all evidence is advisable, due to the significance of this visa route in ensuring a labor supply.

What is the Cost of a Global Business Mobility Secondment Worker Visa?

The application process for the Global Business Mobility; Secondment Worker visa incurs fees that can vary based on circumstances. Here are the current fees for entry clearance applications lasting than six months;

  •  Application fee; £259
  •  Certificate of Sponsorship; £21
  •  Any priority processing fees; Around £250

Please be aware that immigration fees are subject to change so it’s recommended to stay informed about any updates.

Benefits for Successful Global Business Mobility Secondment Worker Visa Applicants;

Upon approval applicants who apply for entry clearance will receive an approval email along, with a 90-day visa sticker.

Traveling to the UK during the indicated period, which usually coincides with the start date, on the Certificate of Sponsorship and the UK sponsor work schedule is essential.

For individuals intending to stay in the UK for more than six months, they will receive a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) upon arrival. Those who use the UK Immigration app will get an immigration status of a physical permit. The specific documents provided to applicants seeking permission to stay may vary depending on their nationality. Whether they already possess a BRP.

Before an employee’s day of work, the UK sponsor must carry out a right-to-work check as outlined in the Certificate of Sponsorship.

How Long Is a Global Business Mobility Secondment Worker Visa Valid?

Successful candidates will be granted a visa for either one year. If the secondment is shorter than a year for the duration specified in their certificate of sponsorship plus an extra 14 days. Extensions are feasible. Restricted to a period of two years. The total duration permitted under the Global Business Mobility visa categories should not exceed five years within any six-year timeframe.

It’s important to check the worker’s authorization, on any of the Global Business Mobility visa paths to determine the duration they can be approved for.

To sum up the Global Business Mobility; the Secondment Worker visa is a route created to support assignments for temporary work in the UK. Both sponsors and applicants need to grasp the criteria and details of this visa option for an application process. While it may not be widely chosen it plays a role in situations by providing flexibility and easing some standard immigration requirements. Like with any immigration procedure staying updated on regulations and criteria is crucial, for an application journey.

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