Comphrensive guide on Malaysia tourist visa price, types, application process, and factors influencing fees.

Malaysia Tourist Visa Price

Planning a trip to Malaysia for tourism purposes requires understanding the visa requirements and associated costs. The Malaysia tourist visa price plays a crucial role in budgeting for your travel expenses. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of the Malaysia tourist visa price and provide valuable information to help you plan your trip effectively.

Understanding Malaysia Tourist Visa

A Malaysia tourist visa is a travel document that allows foreign nationals to visit Malaysia for leisure, recreation, or exploring its rich cultural heritage. It is essential to obtain a tourist visa unless you are eligible for visa-free entry or visa-on-arrival.

Types of Malaysia Tourist Visas

Malaysia offers different types of tourist visas based on the purpose and duration of your visit. The common types include:

Single Entry Tourist Visa: This visa allows a single entry into Malaysia for a specified period. Once you leave Malaysia, the visa becomes invalid.

Multiple Entry Tourist Visa: With this visa, you can enter and exit Malaysia multiple times within a specific duration. It is suitable for travellers who plan to visit Malaysia multiple times within the visa validity period.

Application Process

To apply for a Malaysia tourist visa, you need to follow the designated application process. Here are the key steps:

Determine the type of visa: Identify the type of tourist visa that suits your travel plans.

Gather required documents: Prepare the necessary documents, including a completed visa application form, a valid passport, recent passport-sized photographs, proof of accommodation, travel itinerary, and financial proof.

Submit the application: Submit your visa application and supporting documents to the nearest Malaysian embassy, consulate, or visa application center. Follow the guidelines provided by the respective authorities.

Pay the visa fee: Pay the required visa fee as per the fee structure outlined by the Malaysian authorities.

Track the application: Keep track of your visa application using the provided reference number or tracking system. Be aware of the processing time, which may vary based on various factors.

Visa Fees for Malaysia Tourist Visa

The Malaysia tourist visa fee varies depending on factors such as nationality, visa type, and duration of stay. The fee structure is subject to change, so it’s crucial to check the latest information from the official sources, such as the Malaysian embassy or consulate in your country.

Factors Affecting Visa Fees

Several factors can affect the Malaysia tourist visa price:

Nationality: Visa fees can vary based on your nationality, as different countries may have specific agreements or arrangements with Malaysia.

Visa Type: The fee may differ for single entry and multiple entry tourist visas.

Duration of Stay: Longer stays may attract higher visa fees compared to shorter visits.

Additional Services: Additional services, such as expedited processing or courier services, may have additional charges.

Obtaining a Malaysia tourist visa is an essential step in planning your trip to this diverse and culturally rich country. Understanding the Malaysia tourist visa price helps you budget your travel expenses accurately. Remember to check the latest fee structure, gather all the necessary documents, and follow the application process diligently. With proper planning and preparation, you can ensure a smooth visa application experience and enjoy your visit to Malaysia.


Can I apply for a Malaysia tourist visa online?

Yes, some countries offer the option of online visa application for Malaysia. Check the official website of the Malaysian embassy or consulate in your country for more information.

How long can I stay in Malaysia on a tourist visa?

The duration of stay allowed on a Malaysia tourist visa varies and depends on the type of visa and the approval granted by the immigration authorities.

Can I extend my Malaysia tourist visa?

In certain cases, it is possible to extend your Malaysia tourist visa. Contact the nearest immigration office in Malaysia for guidance on the extension process.

Are the visa fees refundable if my application is rejected?

No, visa fees are typically non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of your application.

Can I apply for a Malaysia tourist visa upon arrival?

Malaysia offers visa-on-arrival for citizens of certain countries. Check the official website of the Malaysian embassy or consulate in your country to see if you are eligible for visa-on-arrival.

Please note that visa regulations and fees are subject to change. It is always advisable to consult the official website of the Malaysian embassy or consulate in your country for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding Malaysia tourist visas.

Do you need a Tourist visa to Malaysia?

Contact our team of skilled immigration lawyers to discuss your visa and immigration needs.

Call us on +234 812 5505 986 or WhatsApp us at +234 818 1547 085 for immediate assistance with your situation. We are available to assist you in person, over the phone, or online.

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