Guide on Cyprus spouse visa for Nigerians, application process, outlining necessary steps, documents, and tips for a successful application.

UK Spouse Visa for Nigerians – Application Guide

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the application process, requirements, and key considerations for applying for a UK Spouse Visa for Nigerians.

Understanding the UK Spouse Visa

The UK Spouse Visa falls under the Family route and is designed for individuals who are married to or in a civil partnership with a UK resident or British citizen. This visa allows non-EEA (European Economic Area) nationals, including Nigerians, to join their spouses in the UK for an extended period.

The visa duration is initially granted for 33 months, and upon completing this period, applicants can apply for an extension for an additional 30 months. After spending a total of five years in the UK on the Spouse Visa, individuals can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), leading to permanent residency.

Key Requirements for UK Spouse Visa

Marriage or Civil Partnership:

  • You must be legally married to or in a civil partnership with a UK resident or British citizen.
  • Ensure that your marriage or civil partnership is recognized by UK law.

Financial Requirement:

  • The sponsoring partner (UK resident or British citizen) must meet the minimum income threshold.
  • Adequate proof of income, such as payslips, tax returns, and employment contracts, is required.


  • The couple must have suitable accommodation that meets the UK’s housing standards.
  • Provide evidence of the availability of proper housing for the applicant and their partner.

English Language Proficiency:

  • Demonstrate English language proficiency by passing an approved English language test.
  • Exemptions are available for individuals from English-speaking countries or those with certain qualifications.

Genuine Relationship:

  • Provide substantial evidence of a genuine and subsisting relationship, including photographs, joint financial commitments, and communication records.

Tuberculosis Test:

  • Applicants from certain countries, including Nigeria, need to undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test at an approved clinic.

Criminal Record Certificate:

  • Submit a criminal record certificate from any country where the applicant has lived for 12 months or more in the last ten years.

Health Insurance:

  • Pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) to access the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.

Application Process

Online Application:

  • Begin the application process online through the UK government’s official website.
  • Complete the online form accurately, providing all necessary information.

Biometric Information:

  • Book an appointment to provide biometric information at a Visa Application Center (VAC).
  • This includes fingerprints and a photograph.

Document Submission:

  • Compile all required documents, including marriage certificates, financial records, and language test results.
  • Submit these documents along with the printed application form to the VAC.

TB Test:

  • If required, undergo a tuberculosis test at an approved clinic and submit the test certificate with the application.

Processing Time:

  • The processing time for a UK Spouse Visa varies, but applicants can check the current estimated processing times on the official website.

Decision and Collection:

  • Once a decision is made, applicants will be notified.
  • Successful applicants can collect their visa vignette from the VAC before traveling to the UK.

Financial Requirement

One of the critical aspects of the UK Spouse Visa application is meeting the financial requirement. The sponsoring partner must demonstrate a consistent income level to support their spouse in the UK. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the financial threshold is £18,600 per year. However, this figure may change, so it is crucial to check the latest requirements on the official government website.

The financial requirement can be met through various means, including:

Employment Income:

  • Salary and bonuses from employment can contribute to meeting the financial threshold.
  • The sponsoring partner must provide payslips, employment contracts, and tax documents as evidence.

Self-Employment Income:

  • Self-employed individuals can use their income to meet the financial requirement.
  • Submission of business accounts, tax returns, and evidence of ongoing self-employment is necessary.

Non-Employment Income:

  • Other sources of income, such as rental income or dividends, can contribute to meeting the financial requirement.
  • Relevant documentation supporting the income source must be provided.


  • Cash savings can be used to meet the financial threshold.
  • The savings must be held for at least six months, and a specific amount is required in addition to the £16,000 threshold.

It is crucial to stay updated on any changes to the financial requirement and other visa-related criteria. The UK government periodically reviews and adjusts immigration policies, so checking the official website for the latest information is essential.

English Language Proficiency Requirement

To demonstrate English language proficiency, applicants are generally required to take an approved English language test. Commonly accepted tests include the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC).

However, there are exemptions for individuals who:

Hold a Qualification:

  • Have a degree or an academic qualification equivalent to a UK bachelor’s degree or higher from a recognized institution.
  • The qualification must be taught in English, and the applicant should provide evidence of this.

From Majority English-Speaking Countries:

  • Are citizens of countries where English is the primary language.
  • The applicant must provide a valid passport as evidence of their nationality.

English Language Proficiency in Previous Immigration Applications:

  • Have previously met the English language requirement in a successful UK immigration application.

It’s important to note that the English language requirement is an essential component of the application process, and failure to meet this requirement can result in the rejection of the visa application.

Genuine Relationship Evidence

Proving the authenticity and longevity of the relationship is crucial for a successful UK Spouse Visa application. The UK government expects applicants to submit a variety of documents that collectively demonstrate a genuine and subsisting relationship. These may include:


  • Provide a selection of photographs that span the duration of the relationship, showcasing key moments together.

Communication Records:

  • Submit evidence of regular communication between the partners, such as emails, letters, or chat logs.

Joint Financial Commitments:

  • Showcase joint financial responsibilities, such as shared bank accounts, joint mortgage or rent agreements, and utility bills.

Visits and Travel:

  • Include evidence of visits and travel together, such as flight itineraries, hotel reservations, or travel tickets.

Statements from Friends and Family:

  • Obtain statements from friends and family who can vouch for the authenticity of the relationship.

Marriage or Civil Partnership Certificate:

  • Provide the official certificate of marriage or civil partnership.

Future Plans:

  • Include statements or evidence that demonstrate the couple’s plans for the future, such as joint travel plans, shared financial goals, or plans for starting a family.

Submitting a well-documented and comprehensive set of evidence strengthens the case for a genuine relationship. It’s essential to provide a varied and detailed collection of documents that cover different aspects of the relationship to satisfy the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) requirements.

Tuberculosis (TB) Test Requirement

Nigerians, along with applicants from certain other countries, are required to undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test as part of the UK Spouse Visa application process. The TB test must be conducted at an approved clinic, and the certificate issued must be included in the visa application.

The TB test is necessary for individuals applying for a visa to stay in the UK for more than six months and is part of the UK’s efforts to control the spread of infectious diseases. The process involves a medical examination and a chest X-ray.

It’s important to note that the TB test must be conducted at a clinic approved by the Home Office. The list of approved clinics can be found on the official government website. Applicants should schedule the TB test well in advance of the visa application to ensure timely completion of all required components.

Criminal Record Certificate

As part of the UK Spouse Visa application, Nigerians are required to provide a criminal record certificate from any country where they have lived for 12 months or more in the last ten years. This certificate helps the UKVI assess whether the applicant poses any security or criminal risks.

The process for obtaining a criminal record certificate may vary from country to country. Generally, applicants need to contact the relevant authorities in each country of residence and follow the prescribed procedure for obtaining a criminal record certificate.

It’s crucial to start the process early, as obtaining a criminal record certificate can take time, and delays in submission may affect the overall visa processing timeline. The certificate should be obtained from the official government or law enforcement authorities in each relevant jurisdiction.

Health Insurance – Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)

Healthcare in the UK is primarily provided through the National Health Service (NHS). As part of the visa application process, applicants are required to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS). This payment grants access to NHS services during the validity of the visa.

The amount payable for the IHS is subject to change, so it’s essential to check the latest fees on the official government website. The IHS payment is made online during the visa application process, and applicants receive an IHS reference number, which is a mandatory component of the visa application.

The IHS covers access to most NHS services, including consultations with general practitioners (GPs), hospital treatment, and emergency care. However, it’s important to note that the IHS does not cover all healthcare costs, such as certain prescription medications and dental treatments.

Applicants should retain their IHS reference number and provide it during the visa application process. Failure to pay the IHS or provide the correct reference number may result in delays or rejection of the visa application.

Top Tips for a Successful UK Spouse Visa Application

Start Early:

  • Begin the application process well in advance to allow time for document gathering, tests, and any unexpected delays.

Understand the Requirements:

  • Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements for the UK Spouse Visa, including financial, language, and relationship criteria.

Seek Professional Advice:

  • Consider seeking advice from immigration consultants or solicitors to ensure that your application meets all requirements.

Gather Comprehensive Evidence:

  • Provide a thorough collection of evidence to demonstrate the genuineness of your relationship, financial stability, and compliance with other requirements.

Stay Informed:

  • Regularly check the official government website for updates on visa requirements, fees, and procedures.

Attend the Biometric Appointment:

  • Ensure attendance at the scheduled biometric appointment to provide fingerprints and a photograph.

Prepare for the TB Test:

  • If required, schedule the TB test well in advance and obtain the certificate from an approved clinic.

Meet English Language Requirements:

  • If applicable, take an approved English language test and ensure the results meet the specified criteria.

Pay the Immigration Health Surcharge:

  • Make the required payment for the Immigration Health Surcharge and retain the reference number for the visa application.

Plan for Criminal Record Certificates:

  • Initiate the process of obtaining criminal record certificates from relevant countries of residence early in the application timeline.

The UK Spouse Visa provides an opportunity for Nigerians to reunite with their partners in the UK and build a life together. Navigating the application process successfully requires a thorough understanding of the requirements, careful preparation, and attention to detail.

By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, Nigerians can enhance their chances of a successful UK Spouse Visa. It’s essential to stay informed about any changes to immigration policies and to seek professional advice when needed.

Remember, each application is unique, and providing comprehensive and accurate documentation is key to a smooth and successful visa application process.

Do you need help with a Spouse Visa to the UK?

Contact our team of skilled immigration lawyers to discuss your visa and immigration needs.

Call us on +234 812 5505 986 or WhatsApp us at +234 818 1547 085 for immediate assistance with your situation. We are available to assist you in person, over the phone, or online.

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